28160 Desiccators - Scheibler, Plain
28162 Desiccator Covers
28180 Desiccators - Fruehling and Schultz, Plain
28200 Desiccators - Pyrex®, with Knob Top
28230 Desiccators - Large Size, with Tubulated Cover, Pyrex®
28245 Desiccators - Vacuum, Plastic
28246 Desiccators - Polycarbonate, Bel Art
28247 Desiccators - Plastic, Nalgene®
28247 Desiccators - Vacuum, Plastic, Nalgene®
28248 Desiccator Plates - Ceramic Metal Composite, Nalgene®
28249 Desiccators - Plastic, 150mm, Nalgene®
28250 Vacuum Desiccators
28251 Desiccators - Polycarbonate, Nalgene®
28253 Vacuum Sample Saver - Desi-Vac
28255 Desiccant Canister
28259 Desiccant Cartridges - Disposable
28260 Desiccator Cabinets - Secador®
28261 Auto Desiccator Cabinets - Secador®
28275 Desiccator Plates - With Feet, Coors
28280 Desiccator Plates - Flat, Coors
28285 Desiccator Plates - Flat, Small Holes, Coors
28287 Desiccant Cartridges
28288 Desiccating Cabinets - Bel Art
28288 Desiccating Cabinets - Bel-Art
28288 Desiccating Cabinets - Stackable
28289 Desiccating Cabinets - Labconco
28290 Desiccating Cabinets - Stainless Steel
28291 Desiccating Cabinets - Large, Stainless Steel