These waterproof testers have a housing that floats and replaceable sensors that allow you to use the same meter body. Push button calibration, hold function, auto-off function and self-diagnostic error messages. Access all features from the splashproof keypad. The keys click to confirm operation. Built in Ag/AgCl reference. Glass pH bulb is recessed for protection against breakage. pH range is 0-15/0.1pH.
Waterproof pH Testr 1 and 2.
Single junction electrode for general purpose water type solutions.
Heavy-Duty (HD) Waterproof pH Testr 1 and 2
Double junction electrode is ideal for solutions containing heavy metals and for wastewater applications.
Heavy-Duty Waterproof pH Testr 3+
Features a temperature readout within the same instrument and 0.01 pH accuracy.