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Universal Can Stripper-WACO, For Beverage Cans

An important part of a complete seam inspection is the actual teardown of the seam to determine the tightness and wrinkle rating. The WACO Universal Can Stripper cuts and removes the cover hook much faster, safer, and easier than any other equipment or method currently available. In operation, the can to be stripped is placed in the can holder assembly and a centering tool appropriate for the particular can diameter is mounted on the machine. As the cutter assembly is lowered onto the can, the patented dual roller cutters engage the outer diameter of the seam. The unique configuration of the roller cutters ensures a clean, distortion-free cut through the cover hook and separates the cover hook from the can body. The WACO Universal Can Stripper is ruggedly built and completely self contained. Supplied complete with a built in seam saw. The end diameter of the cans to be evaluated must be specified so that the appropriate centering tool is included. Please call or write for more information.
Reorder ListCat. No.DescriptionEachQuantitySelect
10715-00Saw Blade, 3Inquire
10715-05Saw Blade, 3Inquire
10700-00Universal Can Stripper, 110 VoltInquire
10700-05Universal Can Stripper, 220 VoltInquire
10700-46Spacer for Roller CutterInquire
10706-01Replacement Roller CutterInquire
10701-02Can Center for #200 can endInquire
10701-03Can Center for #202 can endInquire
10701-04Can Center for #204 can endInquire
10701-06Can Center for #206 can endInquire
10701-20Bearing only for Roller CutterInquire
10715-15Saw Blade, 3Inquire
10715-20Saw Blade, 3Inquire